Debian 12 how to bootstrap an image

From openQRM

Starting from a fresh Debian 12 installation do the following;

apt-get install debootstrap

export MY_CHROOT=/exports/debian12

mkdir -p $MY_CHROOT/dev/pts $MY_CHROOT/proc $MY_CHROOT/var/run

cd $MY_CHROOT/..

mount --bind /dev/ $MY_CHROOT/dev/

mount --bind /dev/pts $MY_CHROOT/dev/pts

mount --bind /proc $MY_CHROOT/proc

debootstrap --arch amd64 bookworm $MY_CHROOT/

cp /etc/passwd $MY_CHROOT/etc/

cp /etc/shadow $MY_CHROOT/etc/

cp /etc/group $MY_CHROOT/etc/

cp /etc/apt/sources.list $MY_CHROOT/etc/apt/

cp /usr/share/keyrings/*gpg $MY_CHROOT/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/

chroot $MY_CHROOT

apt-get update

apt-get install wget net-tools screen locales tzdata collectd telnet whois traceroute nfs-kernel-server jq bash dialog iptables

dpkg-reconfigure locales

dpkg-reconfigure tzdata


umount $MY_CHROOT/dev/pts

umount $MY_CHROOT/dev

umount $MY_CHROOT/proc

Create a tarball for this image;

export TEMPLATE_NAME="debian12"


tar --exclude=etc/hostname --exclude=var/openqrm/openqrm.conf --exclude=root/.*history --exclude=root/.joe_state --exclude=root/.ssh/* --exclude=etc/ssh/ssh_host_* --exclude=etc/dropbear/*key --exclude=etc/dropbear-initramfs/*key --exclude=usr/src --exclude=var/lib/apt/lists --exclude=usr/share/pve-edk2-firmware --exclude=usr/share/man --numeric-owner -czf ../$ .

cd ../

ls -la