Main Page

From openQRM
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Right now there are 17 articles available

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The openQRM platform manages a data centre's infrastructure to build private, public and hybrid infrastructure as a service cloud. openQRM orchestrates storage, network, virtualisation, monitoring, and security implementations technologies to deploy multi-tier services (e.g. compute clusters) as virtual machines on distributed infrastructures, combining both data centre resources and remote cloud resources, according to allocation policies. The openQRM project is developed and owned by OPENQRM AUSTRALIA PTY LTD.

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For an overview of openQRM features, visit the openQRM website

Tutorials & Webinars

Tutorial Index - Step-by-step walkthroughs on openQRM features

Webinar Index - Video alternatives for Tutorials


Latest openQRM Enterprise Edition (v5.3.8)

Latest openQRM Community Edition (v5.3.8)


How to install openQRM on a Debian installation

Using openQRM Enterprise

We have included all openQRM documentation on this wiki

If are new to openQRM, we would recommend referencing the following documentation:

openQRM User Documentation
Cloud Computing with openQRM
openQRM Enterprise Administrator Guide